Monday, April 20, 2009

Silver Canyon by Louis L'Amour

Louis L'Amour's Silver Canyon is the story of Matthie Brennan, a drifter and gunslinger who rides into dusty town of Hattan's Point and finds more than he bargains for. Almost immediately, he finds the woman he loves and, he insists, is going to marry, Moira Macleran. To win her hand, Matt vows to settle down. He hears that there is a bitter, sometimes violent, dispute over the land of the Two-Bar Ranch. Sensing the opportunity to make a settled life that would allow him to marry Moira, Matt leaps into the fray by forming a partnership with the owner of the Two-Bar. What follows is an adventure, for Matt and the reader.

The plot, while intricate, is easily followed. L'Amour's prose is simple and clean, making the book an easy read. It was my first western and I have to say I enjoyed it more than I thought.


1 comment:

Margot said...

I came to check out your Read-a-Thon results and saw this review. It caught my attention because my husband is a huge L'Amour fan. (He has read ALL of them several times.)

I'm glad you liked the book. I hope this won't be the last western that you read. It seems to be a dying genre.

I like the list of other books you read. I'll be back.